by Jim
on Jul 7th, 2006

Real skiing just down the road

In the morning just after sunrise (provided we see the sun on that particular day), we’re treated to a fantastic view of the Southern Alps due east of Christchurch. As you can see, they’re snow covered–very much so this year. NZ has had a lot of precipitation this winter, and that’s making for a very good ski season. This weekend we’ll check it out for ourselves at Mt. Hutt.
The ski field is only about 1 1/2 hours from Christchurch, but the road conditions deteriorate enough that chains are required. This chain thing is a new one to me and I was shocked at the price: $250-350 NZD for a pair!?! But that’s for the good ones. A decorative set that will get you past the checkpoint only runs $98, seen here in all their flimsy glory.

4 Responses to “Real skiing just down the road”

  1. Christianon 08 Jul 2006 at 9:16 am

    Skiing in the mountains, surfing in Fiji. La dolce vita!

  2. Jimon 10 Jul 2006 at 7:32 am

    Just a taste, however… Our skiing was cut woefully short due to high winds, but we still got a good look at the place. Not quite like the Four Lakes Ski Village that I learned on. (But at least Four Lakes was so tiny they could light up the whole thing and stay open until 10pm!)

  3. Christianon 10 Jul 2006 at 9:20 am

    I bet it still beats the Peoria fair that going on here
    right now 😉
    Too bad the world cup is over.

  4. Ellenon 12 Aug 2006 at 1:01 pm

    Chain over the wheels. The weather must be really bad. Well, cars only get chained due to illegal parking :), and the chain color is not so happening too!

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