by Jim
on Nov 3rd, 2006
on Nov 3rd, 2006
The Dominoes ad you won’t see
Hell Pizza is a successful restaurant chain in New Zealand and one of my favorite take-out destinations. Their flashy website and ads are quite clever, but I did a double-take upon seeing a big billboard with this on it:

These have been around for a while and there was some debate over the appropriateness back in 2005, but they’ve obviously stayed put.
6 Responses to “The Dominoes ad you won’t see”
I think I just found te perfect photo for my Christmas card this year… Just kidding, but I sure do like the billboard. 🙂
Domino’s has no E, Mr. Quayle. 🙂
But you’re still right. They better change their company’s name, because I’m not budging on my blog title.
You shouldn’t have to. I just have nothing better to do that search my house for ebay items and spell check blogs. 🙂
My guess is, the Republicans are going to stay in power and such a joke on the King will not be tolerated anymore.
This is the closest I’ve seen to the Bill Hicks vision of the “ultimate ad”, albeit with a different attention grabber.